If you find yourself thinking...

  • I can’t seem to draw the right talent to my salon."

  • "I'm unable to consistently bring clients into my business."

  • "I'm bogged down by day-to-day operations."

  • "The continuous rise of products are making my profits smaller and smaller..."

  • "Why do I continue being in business with all the hassle that comes with being a business owner?”

  • "Investing in my business seems financially daunting right now."

  • "I want to be a better leader, but I’m not sure how."

But what if I told you that

so much more is possible for you?


  • Double Your Income...
    Imagine earning twice as much as you do now without doubling your work hours.

  • Attract Top Talent...
    Envision a salon filled with top-tier stylists who are as committed to excellence as you are.

  • Enhance Client Retention...
    What if your clients kept coming back because they love the experience you provide?

  • Streamline Operations...
    Think about running your salon smoothly without getting bogged down by daily tasks.

  • Become a Recognized Leader...
    What if you could be seen as an inspirational leader in the salon industry?

If you find yourself managing a team of employees or renting booths to stylists, aspiring to own a salon and hire stylists within the next year, or struggling to attract top-tier talent to your salon... it’s time for a transformative change. Perhaps you’re finding it challenging to improve team communication and maintain a harmonious work environment, or you dream of being a recognized, inspirational leader in the salon industry.

If you’re fully committed to a leadership transformation journey, the 6-Figure Beauty Biz Program is designed specifically for you. This program will help you achieve your goals and transform your business into a thriving success.

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Building a

Thriving Salon Empire for an Extraordinary 2024

Join the 6-Figure Beauty Biz Program and Gain:

  • Detailed modules covering everything from culture creation to brand standards.   

  • Advanced team growth strategies, including techniques for enhancing team communication, morale, and performance.  

  • Join the Beauty Biz community, connecting you with peers who support and inspire.  

  • A comprehensive digital training portal with tools, a searchable Q&A bank, and more.

Cultivate a Powerful Salon Culture

Build an environment that attracts and retains the dream team by fostering a culture they are excited to be part of.

Establish a Solid Business Foundation

Just like building a home, your salon requires a strong foundation for sustainable success.

Develop a Leadership Mindset

Transition from just running a business to leading a movement within your salon.

Implement Competitive Growth Plans

Develop strategies that keep your stylists engaged and clearly directed towards their professional goals.

Streamline Day-to-Day Operations

Learn the essentials of running a smooth operation that frees you from the minutiae of daily tasks.

Create and Uphold Strong Brand Standards

Beyond aesthetics, set clear expectations for team conduct, guest interactions, and overall business operations.

Ready to Transform Your Salon and Your Life?

Join now and let the 6-Figure Beauty Biz Program guide you to create the salon that top talents truly desire to be a part of. Let's build not just a successful business, but a legacy of leadership in the beauty industry!

Imagine the possibilities when you apply the lessons from our program—just like many of our members who have seen their businesses flourish from small teams to thriving salons. Be the next success story. I'm ready, let's get started!

Copyright 2024 | Karen Hardee